“…seek my face…”
This little phrase from II Chronicles 7:11, has a depth of meaning and application in our lives. It was the theme of the Leadership Conference at
Here are some of the highlights of the trip:
About an hour from our arrival in Brisbane we were greeted by a beautiful sunrise!

From Mt. Cootha to downtown Downtown pulled in close
a Water Dragon --about foot and half long One of the amazing different trees there
(More pictures below)
Monday we enjoyed wonderful food of an Australian 'barbie' (BBQ) after the morning preaching sessions. We continued to get to know people as we ate and then visited right there on the church grounds. We also enjoyed a meal of wild boar, venison, & kangaroo on one day with other delicious foods served us at various homes throughout the week. We were treated so royally! Australia is also famous for its meat pies and various breads. And Yes, we tasted and enjoyed them as well. The scenery never ceased to amaze Vicki. The Lord had also blessed that area with rains they so desparately needed after about a 5 year drought so they said everything was green again where about a week earlier it had been brown.
This was the type of schedule we had on Monday through Wednesday:
a.m. 3 sessions; afternoon free time and some sight seeing; p.m. 2 sessions. We were sorry to have the conference come to an end but what a refreshing of soul--some of the topics were:
Moving Forward/Never Retreating--just withdraw, regroup, reform & refresh!
Seeking His Face---the Reason for Revival; the Road to Revival, & the Result of Revival!
How to Lead when you aren't in Charge!--a challenge to support your pastor by yourself and with each other
A Humble Walk as we seek His Face
Divine Meetings--"...it fell on a day" -- "There's a lot you can say about the will of God, but it always involved people!" (Pastor Sehmish-pastor emeritus of Good Shepherd Baptist Church and missionary to Thailand)
Thursday we spend the greater part of the day at a zoo with Australian animals including demonstration times with a koala. Vicki had a dream come true in being able to hold the koala and have her picture taken with it.
The kangaroo area was also 'open' (fenced area) for all guests to come in and stroll among them!

At the zoo with Zawli (7 yrs old) Ken petting Zawli

Eating breakfast at a sidewalk Cafe for brunch The City Cat---what a wonderful and different way
(Alicia, I ate French Toast for you!) to see the city!
Friday we took off 6 hours later than planned due to unexpected fog that didn't lift until midday! Due to this we missed our connecting flight to Hokkaido arriving in Tokyo 3 hours after we were supposed to have departed for Hokkaido. We were very pleasantly surprised to have JAL pay for our bus ride from the international airport to the domestic airport (1 1/2 hours); put us up in the new hotel right in the airport and provide breakfast as well!! Now that is treatment of the best kind! Needless to say though we were tired by the time we got home Saturday night and no break as we headed right into the usual schedule for the week.
Ken is now back at work with his regular English teaching as well as weekly trips to Shibetsu to continue to help the missionaries there remodel their building and home. We praise God for safety and wisdom in this monumental task and that it has continued to go forward with relative smoothness. Already they are having some young children come to see them and have made other contacts through this work.
This catches you up with our end of the world...drop in an let us know how you are doing in your area? We appreciate you, your prayers for us and we want to pray for you, too!
Serving Christ Together,
Ken and Vicki Mansell
1 comment:
Love the pict of you with the koala bear. Very cute! Glad you guys had a time of refreshing.
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